
LymphoSign Journal gives authors the choice of having their peer-reviewed accepted manuscript loaded to the Journal’s website before the manuscript undergoes the normal publication process of copy editing and page composition. If an author so chooses, a pdf version of the accepted manuscript (in the same format provided by the author) is loaded to the “Just-Accepted” section of the Journal’s website within 5 business days of being accepted. The accepted manuscript also continues through the regular publication process (copy editing, page composition, proofing by author, finalization) and when ready, the official version of record replaces the Just-Accepted manuscript on the Journal’s website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Just-Accepted manuscripts considered published?

Yes. A paper is considered published once it is posted in the Just-Accepted section of the Journal’s website.

Is the Just-Accepted manuscript considered the official version of record?

No. The official version of record is the version of the manuscript that has undergone copy editing, page composition, and correction by the author. The official version of record appears in the e-First section of the Journal’s website or within an issue, and it replaces the Just-Accepted version.

What is considered the official date of publication?

The official date of publication is the date a paper first appears on the Journal’s website, whether it is the Just-Accepted version or the official version of record.

Can Just-Accepted manuscripts be cited?

Yes. Each Just-Accepted manuscript is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), which is the same DOI that appears on the official version of record of the paper. This ensures that citations made to a paper during the Just-Accepted stage will continue to link to the official version of record of the paper once it is available. Readers should note, however, that changes (sometimes substantial) are made during the publication process, so the content of the official version of record could be different from that of the Just-Accepted manuscript.

How should a Just-Accepted manuscript be cited?

A Just-Accepted manuscript should be cited following the reference style of the journal, but with “[Just-IN version; Published online on DATE]” included. Because the DOI will relate the official version of record with the Just-Accepted version, the DOI must also be included in the reference citation. Pagination shown on the Just-IN manuscript is not representative of that of the official version of record; therefore, no page numbers should be included in the reference citation.

Are all manuscripts posted to the Just-Accepted section of the Journal’s website?

No. There are several instances when a manuscript will not be posted to the Just-Accepted section:

  • When an author chooses to opt out of having his or her accepted manuscript posted in the Just-Acceptedsection,
  • When signed copyright transfer or licence to publish forms have not been received from all authors at the time of acceptance,
  • When previously published material is included in the manuscript and the official permissions (from rights holders) allowing the republication of that material have not been provided by the author.

Are there times when an author should not choose the Just-Accepted option for their manuscript?

Yes. When a manuscript introduces new taxa into the taxonomic literature (for example, a plant species whose Latin name is being published for the first time) or when, at the time of acceptance, a patent application is pending, the author should choose to opt out of the Just-Accepted option. Because the process of loading Just-Accepted manuscripts to the Journal’s website is automatic, authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is free of any intellectual property issues. Note that if an author chooses to opt out of the Just-Accepted option, their manuscript will continue through the regular production process and will be loaded to the Journal’s website when the official version of record has been finalized.

Will features such as tracked changes and comments be removed from the manuscript by the publisher before a Just-Accepted manuscript gets loaded to the website?

No. The Just-Accepted process is completely automated, so any tracked changes or comments present in the final accepted manuscript will be included when the manuscript is posted to the website. Authors should remove any markings and comments they do not wish to appear on the website before submitting their finalized manuscript.

What components are included in a Just-Accepted manuscript?

All the normal components included with a manuscript are included in the Just-Accepted pdf file: title page, abstract, main text, references, and tables/figures and their captions (appendices if applicable). Because the process is automated, it is important that the author verify and approve the pdf created during the submission (or revision) process to ensure that all components (e.g., tables and figures) are present in the file. Supplementary material or accompanying video files are NOT included with the pdf and are not loaded to the website until the official version of record is published.

Do all Just-Accepted manuscripts get replaced by e-First papers and incorporated into a Journal issue?

All Just-Accepted manuscripts are replaced by the official version of record of the paper, which is the version that is loaded to the e-First section and is ultimately incorporated into a Journal issue; however, an official version of record may never show up in the e-First section, but may instead go directly into a Journal issue. Papers that are finalized close to when an issue is being completed are more likely to skip the e-First stage and go directly into an issue.

Who can access Just-Accepted manuscripts?

Anyone who holds a subscription to the Journal has access to the Just-IN manuscripts; however, if an author has chosen the OpenArticle [add link to Open Article page] option, the Just-Accepted manuscript will be available to all readers.

Can a Just-Accepted version of a manuscript be altered after it has been posted to the Journal’s website?

No. Revisions are not made to the Just-IN version of a manuscript after it has been posted. Any errors detected by an author or anyone else at this stage may be corrected during the regular publication process of the manuscript before the paper is published as an e-First paper or as part of a Journal issue. LymphoSign Journal is not responsible for errors in Just-Accepted manuscripts or any resulting consequences.

Do authors who choose the Just-Accepted option need to sign a copyright transfer or licence to publish form?

Yes. A signed copyright transfer or licence to publish form is required from all authors of a manuscript before a Just-Accepted manuscript can be loaded to the Journal’s website. If signed copyright transfer or licence to publish forms [[Insert link]]. have not been received from all authors at the time of acceptance, the manuscript will not be posted as a Just-Accepted manuscript even if the author submitting the manuscript has chosen the Just-Accepted option.